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Showing posts from 2012

Rapping Robbers Rap About Robbing

Here,  DCist  covers the bizarre scenario in which a couple of aspiring rappers record a song about a criminal in a music studio, only to then rob it afterwards. Now that's both meta, and tacky. Headline: Would-Be Rappers Rob Studio After Recording Song About Famous Criminal Excerpt: " Well, at least you can't blame them for being real, right? NBC 4 reports that two would-be rappers  robbed a Laurel studio  after they finished recording a song about Larry Hoover, a famous Chicago gang leader: About 1 a.m. Thursday, two men dropped by Copy Catz to lay down “Larry Hoover” - dedicated to famous Chicago gangster King Larry. When the rap was wrapped, the rappers left the studio and walked out of the building while everybody else got ready to leave, but the rappers quickly returned - with guns. They ordered everyone to sit on the sofa and started demanding valuables. ... If you have the time, please do watch the report filed by Pat Collins. It's, well, classic...

The Twitter Universe

The twitter universe can be very meta at times.  See here for example, where an old coworker pointed out to me somebody that decided to analyze the twitter universe for searching for all tweets containing the word universe: " I made a twitter account where all I do is pretend to be "The Universe" and respond to tweets that have the word "Universe" in them" (To see what they found, and the source, try here:

Meta Marie

I received this endearing note from my dearest cousin Marie, detailing her recent run-in with the great meta and beyond. Dearest Cousin, I think I just had a meta moment. when I asked my friend what he was doing he replied "Eating lunch while watching the Food Channel." To which I replied "So you're eating while watching others eat?" "Yes." he answered. To which I replied "That's so meta."

The Most Meta Telephone Pole in the World

I couldn't resist.  Lots more good ones here too.

How The Wall Street Journal Covers Facebook with Facebook

How  The Wall Street Journal  Is Using Facebook to Cover Facebook Reposted : In March, around the time Facebook launched its Timeline format, Poynter published a piece declaring “ Facebook Timeline not yet a friend to news organizations .” The post’s author,  Jeff Sonderman , wrote “the flashy visual template adds too little style while removing too much substance.” The social media team at  The Wall Street Journal  might beg to disagree. In an innovative piece of social journalism, WSJ reporters and editors are using Facebook’s Timeline tool to cover Facebook’s initial public offering. The news org has created a new Facebook page, , using Timeline to not only chronicle its IPO roadshow but to also tell the history of Facebook. Why use Facebook Timeline? The Wall Street Journal  already uses Timeline for its  own Facebook page ,  Brian Aguilar , a WSJ social media editor who is involved w...